Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Easton has been doing great since his repair.  We have had to fight a cold or two that big brother and big sister wanted to share:)  We went to see Dr. Shah our Cardiologist yesterday and don't have to go back for 3 months.  This is great news and means that he is doing very well.  Today will hopefully be the last time we will have to come to the surgical area at the Childrens Hospital.   Easton gets to finally be circumsized.  Ready to get this  over so we can be recovered by Thanksgiving.  Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.  We pray that today goes as well as the other proceedures have.  Ready to get this show on the road.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Well today started off pretty much like the rest.  Easton had a really good night.  He ate really well yesterday after he had his motrin.  His poor little throat is still sore.  The nurse practioner came in before the doctors rounded and asked me how I felt about going home today, I was surprised but told her that yes we were ready.  I had actually been thinking about it because we were only on antibiotics and he only had the one line left but really didn't think it would be possible.  After the doctors.rounded they decided to send us on our merry way.  after all they do we finally left the hospital at 2:15 pm.  So tonight we are home!  It is so nice to have everyone under the same roof!  His brother and sister sure missed him:  and I think he missed them too!  We are so blessed.  We will have several doctors appointments in the up coming weeks but he is healing very nicely.  We pray for continued healing as he is a little sore still.  I will continue to update just not as frequently.  Thank you all for your support!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Easton had a good night last night.  They took his arterial line out this morning so he only has one line left.  Hope to be heading home this weekend but depends on how he eats.  His throat is very sore from the suctioning that was done and it made his throat raw.  He has done pretty well this morning while I have been here.  Eating was the focus for today, and so far we are off to a good start.  He is now also canula free!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Easton had a good night last night.  However when I got to the hospital this morning he felt a little was and was borderline running a fever.  They decided to give him an antibiotic and think it may be the start of an ear infection.  By the afternoon he was back to his old self even smiling at some of the nurses:).   I finally got to hold him today as I haven't held him since last Thursday.  Tyler came over and he smiled at him today and that made Daddy feel very good:).  Hoping that he sleeps well tonight.  Think he may be getting his days and nights mixed up.  Thank God for his continued healing!  Blessings to all.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Easton had another good night last night.  He got a new cousin in the mix as well!  Very happy for his safe arrival.  They took out one o Eastons Ivs and is now on the regular canula as well.  He was able to have a "bowel movement so he is feeling much better.  He has been able to eat some which makes him very happy.   God is good!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Easton had another good night last night.  They took the drainage tubes out today.  Hopefully his cathater will come out soon.  The doctors are very happy with how he is doing!  We are very thankful for that.  The did decide to put him on a high flow canula but are starting to wean him off of that to a regular one then nothing.  Thank you for your continedb prayers!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Easton had another good night.  Tyler and I were able to be there when they took the ventilator out today.  Right now he is on a regular flow canula.  Depending on how he does with this, they may try feeding him in a few days.  If he doesn't tolerate it well then he will need to go to a high flow canula.  Praying that all goes well and that he stays on the regular flow canula.  He is currently on IV food.  So he is getting nutrition ,but has an empty belly.  God is good!